
Ondrej Adamec: Innovating with the Autonomous Buggy, Blatto

By Behnaz Arab

May 31, 2023

 Ondrej Adamec: the Autonomous Buggy, Blatto - third winner of the next move competition

With his groundbreaking Blatto design, Ondrej Adamec won third place at the 2022-2023 ENVO NextMove competition. Participants in the competition, organized by ENVO Drive, were tasked with coming up with innovative ways to make micro-electric transportation less harmful to the environment.

The Blatto is an autonomous, multipurpose buggy that may be used for SAR, warehouse operations, farm chores, and even special events. The Blatto, named after the bug that inspired it, is compact, strong, stackable, and invincible. It can transport up to five people because to its hub motor, 44, hydraulic brakes, and light weight (just 180kg). It has foldable seats, an aluminum frame, a convertible-style fabric, and indestructible wheels.

Designs submitted to the competition must be the original work of the individual or group entering the work. Ondrej's design triumphed over the competition, earning him a bronze medal, $2,000 Canadian, and a certificate of recognition.

NextMove Recognition Certificate for Third Winner


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