It is important to realize that your ebike may look like a bicycle but it is much more sophisticated and complex. In a traditional bicycle you only have to worry about mechanical maintenance but in case of your ebike there is electrical maintenance on top of that. And while ebikes use the standard bicycle components for interchangeability and easy replacement, the load on these components is much higher due to power assist provided by motor. This cyclic load and vibrations are responsible for loosening of many mechanical fixtures such as bolts and clamps which requires you to stay extra vigilant in inspecting your ebike.
It is a good practice to inspect and service the bike for optimal performance, we have compiled a comprehensive inspection and service interval guide inside our product manuals which can be accessed here. But to get you started on your journey this blog contains ebike maintenance tips about basic service needed in the first 100km of your travel.
Before you ride
It is always suggested to get your bike assembled by a bike mechanic unless you feel confident doing it yourself. Before the first ride make sure you check all the bolts and fixtures on the bike to see if they are tightened correctly. The bicycle parts to check include: headset, handlebar, display, seat clamp, saddle, rear carrier, fenders, pedals, stand, battery connector, head light, rear wheel, and front wheel quick release.
Always make sure to ride with your toolbox in case you need to make an adjustment during the travel.
25km Checklist
After you have ridden the bike for around 25km some parts of the bike are starting to settle in and may get loosened in the process, hence it is necessary to inspect them before moving forward. The saddle bolts, handle bar bolts, kick stand bolts needs to be tightened if they are loose. In addition it is a good idea to adjust the brake pads as they are bedded in completely.
Make sure no wires are loose and clean the PAS sensor if it is exposed. Also make sure that no dust has entered the battery charger port as dust and moisture can cause short circuit.

100km Checklist
The parts that needs to be tighten after around 100km of usage include: fenders, paddles, battery connection, rear carrier, lights, and display. In addition to this make sure to lubricate the front fork by first cleaning it with damp cloth and then applying some grease with a cloth as well.
Inspect chain, freewheel, derailleur and lubricate them thoroughly. Look for play and apply lubrication to bottom bracket, headset, handlebar stem, and seat post. In fact any part of the bike that is supposed to rotate needs lubrication to avoid excessive wear and smooth functionality!

Final Words
At any point if you see a crack in any part of the bike, replace that part immediately as a crack grow without any warning and may break the part during operation. If you see any rust on the ebike, make sure to clean the bike and lubricate it properly. If the rust is excessive, replace the part. Make sure to avoid scratching or gouging any surface as these are stress concentration points that could lead to crack formation. If there is any noise coming from the ebike, investigate its cause and make sure to rectify the problem as soon as possible.
If the bike is take care of properly it will be your companion for years to come. Happy Riding!