
Veemo Production Status Update!

By ENVO Drive

Feb 02, 2024

Veemo Production Status Update!

Author: Sam Rosati, Product Design Engineer


Dear Valued Customers and Envo Enthusiasts,

We're thrilled to share the latest progress on our highly anticipated product, Veemo – the semi-enclosed electric velomobile designed to revolutionize your commuting experience!

After updating the Veemo design with a focus on serviceability, durability and cost reduction, the team focused on finding the most cost effective resources for part manufactures and vendors of bike components to ensure we could provide our customers with the highest quality product for the most affordable price. 

To test and verify the quality of components from our selected manufactures and confirm the performance of our updated design, the Envo engineering team travelled overseas to Asia. A thorough analysis of the first production samples was conducted, and the most cost effective, reliable and controllable manufacturing methods were discussed to ensure the product would be made with the highest quality possible.

Using the results from testing the first sample, design reviews were conducted with our component manufacturers to address all technical problems and inconsistencies.


discussing the engineering drawings with our manufacturing team


Completing the final design changes meant that our first production run of 50 units could begin in January.

Here's a quick overview of where we stand now:

Welded Frame Assemblies: In Production (Approaching Completion)

veemo welded frame assembly progress

Bent Tubing, Sheet Metal & CNC Parts: Ready for Assembly

Bent tubing, CNC and sheet metal production progress

Enclosures: Ready for Integration

Veemo Enclosure Production Progress

Supply Chain Updates

While the majority of our components are primed and ready, we want to be transparent about potential delays due to the Chinese holidays spanning most of February. As some of our suppliers are based overseas, this will temporarily pause the production of  some essential components required for assembly.

Projected Timeline

March: Commencement of Assembly Process 🛠️

April: Quality Control Procedures 🧪

May: Commencement of Deliveries 🚚


We understand the eagerness and anticipation surrounding Veemo's launch, and we assure you that every step is being taken to ensure a seamless production process and impeccable quality standards.

Stay tuned for more updates as we inch closer to the unveiling of Veemo – your ticket to a greener, more efficient mode of urban transportation.

Thank you for your unwavering support and enthusiasm as we embark on this exciting journey together!

Warm regards,

The Envo Team


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