Candid Q&A with Simon from Fournel Bicycles, Quebec
Fournel Bike Store Montreal, an Envo Inside Dealer -
- Tell us about You. How long have you been in the cycling industry, and what made you choose this business and not, for example, groceries?
- Simon's answer: Father of 2 boys, I live in Quebec City, love endurance sports. I've been in the industry for 6 months. I just bought Fournel Bicycles which is a well-known shop in Quebec. I was a client of the shop for several years. When Bob, the former owner, informed me he was considering closing the shop because he had nobody to take over, it sparkled in my head. I left the finance industry and made an offer to Bob. Here I am, one year later, selling bikes! :)
- The electric bike market is booming. What are some key factors contributing to your success in the e-bike market?
- Simon's answer: #1 ENVO!! The product is awesome. Straight on the sweet spot between quality, features, and price. My pickup line is: «Buying an ENVO, is like buying a Toyota. You know it has all the features you need, that the engineering and assembly are spot on, that the value is good, and that it will withstand time. Is it as glamour as a Mercedes? No. Will it get you where you want to go and have fun going there? For sure it will!» #2: Advises over sales. We take a lot of time with clients explaining the differences between the different technologies available in the market. Clients love it and we get a lot of references. #3: I accepted to become an ENVO Inside Dealer. Web marketing is still new, but results so far are looking very promising. #4: We focus on specific market segments, mainly retired people who are 60 to 75 years old. They are left behind by most bike shops.

- In your view, how will e-bikes continue to impact the cycling industry and urban mobility?
- Simon's answer: I think we are yet to reach the tipping point where e-bikes will become the norm. It will definitely extend the market as older people can now continue biking for a much longer period. Being based in Quebec City, the impact of e-bikes on urban mobility is very limited on a yearly basis. That said, we see more and more people using e-bikes to get to work during the spring, summer, and fall seasons. And guess what!? The Stax targets exactly that market. We propose it to all the clients who mention going to work with their bikes.
- What advice would you give other bike shops considering entering the e-bike market?
- Simon's answer: Clients are overwhelmed by the confusing and contradictory information they get from many dealers and manufacturers. Capitalize on it. Learn the real difference between the different technologies, get used to presenting the pros and cons of each of them, and develop a good sales pitch on how the ENVO product answers the needs of most cyclists. To the remaining client to which the ENVO product does not fit their needs, propose another solution (central motor and or a cheaper option). We keep our product line very limited. 95% of our electric bike sales are directed to ENVO. Among other benefits, it makes it easier to coach our team and manage inventory.

- How did your partnership with Envo Drive begin, and what initially attracted you to their products?
- Simon's answer: WE saw the ads of EBIKE BC and thought the branding was great. We then looked at ENVO's product and contacted ENVO to ask for a Dealership opportunity. We did a test with a few bikes. Results were great and we rapidly replaced 2 other brands with ENVO's products.
- Would you recommend Envo Drive as a partner to other electric bike dealers? Why or why not?
- Simon's answer: NEVER!!! I want to remain the sole Dealer in my region... hehe just kidding. I would definitely recommend ENVO as a partner. Their products are great, the service is great and the team members are good people to work with. I love the fact that I'm dealing with a smaller company that is growing. I feel we are part of the team, part of the success. Very good addition to your brand lineup.